Charged by a Noble Newfoundland Moose
By Dr. Harold C. Lyon, Jr. ~ Author of Angling in the Smile of the Great Spirit, Professor of Medical Education, deepwaterspress.com
My son, Gregg – a US Marine – was back from Iraq and Afghanistan. We booked a guided hunt in Newfoundland to celebrate his safe return. It was the best hunt we’ve ever had… and a close call. Thanks to a great guide, Gregg scored a “Grand Slam” – a bear, caribou, and moose in 4 days. Halfway back I spotted a good bull about 200 yards across a pond. I shot and he went down for keeps… I thought. When we were 10 yards from the bull, he suddenly stood up and charged. “Shoot him now!” our guide yelled. He was coming right at me – red eyes and all – like a four-hoofed locomotive. I thought, “My son is safely home but now I’ve put him back in harm’s way. Make this shot good!” I dropped to one knee and fired point-blank into his brisket. As he was about to trample me, I dove to my left. The earth shook as he thundered by. The moose swam into the lake where he died. Quickly reacting, Gregg stripped off his clothes and swam out to the bull to pull the 1,200-pounder 300 yards to shore. I told Gregg I’d mount the moose antlers, he said, “Dad, we’re gonna mount his entire head! This is the noble creature who charged and almost killed us!”
We had the best outfitter, guide, accommodations, and hunting we’ve ever experienced. I went back with my bride for our summer honeymoon to fish Atlantic salmon. Newfoundland is beautiful wilderness like we’ve never seen before! Don’t miss it!