A Woodland Caribou Hunt to Remember
By Peter Fiduccia ~ Author and Host of Woods N’ Water Television Show
Newfoundland and Labrador offers the finest and only opportunity for non-residents to bag a trophy-class woodland caribou. Of the five species of caribou, the woodland caribou is the most coveted by hunters.
Hunters will not only see herds of caribou, they will also enjoy a 90 percent success rate (during a firearm hunt).
On my most recent woodland caribou hunt, I hit the jackpot and took a magnificent stag. Hunters will most certainly get to see both small and large herds of caribou on their hunt. However, those who plan on taking a trophy-class woodland caribou stag should plan to be patient and look over as many stags as possible, to increase their odds of taking a stag of a lifetime.
What I have learned over the years about taking a good stag is that it definitely requires stamina and persistence.
While I stood there pondering about my choice to pass on a stag, the guide abruptly interrupted my train of thought as he whispered, “Here comes a terrific bull – he’s the stag we’re after!”
Once again, the small herd was made up of several cows and calves and one stag. After looking at his antlers, I instantly agreed with my outfitter – he was most definitely a trophy-class stag.
As Murphy’s Law would have it, he stopped directly behind a lone, small tree. With my rifle steadied on a tri-pod shooting stick, I slowly and carefully selected an opening in the branches. I flicked the safety to the firing position, held my breath, and gently pulled the trigger back.
With one clean shot to the neck, the stag instantly hit the ground where he stood only seconds before. We realized a week of unsurpassed hunting had come to a successful end with a woodland caribou stag I would proudly display in my trophy room.
Newfoundland and Labrador is a land of big game prospects with extraordinarily high success rates. Add to that, it is surely one of the most, if not the most, scenically beautiful areas in North America, and you have a formula for a big game hunt of a lifetime.
As I often mention to big game hunters I talk with about Newfoundland and Labrador, once you hunt there, it becomes an addiction.
Like me, you’ll discover you will want to hunt there over and over again!